Frontman for glam punk rock'n'rollers PARADISE ALLEY, Steve Vincent released his first solo album in 2022 and has toured since then with a live band under his own name. The secodn solo album, The Best Kept Secret In Rock'n'Roll was released in October 2024 worldwide with a special Japanese edition with bonus tracks then released in December 2024.
Steve's music is influenced by Stiv Bators, New York Dolls, Ramones, Hanoi Rocks and The Black Crowes. His songs reflect his life with stories about love, loss, deception, victory and joy. He has featured in many of the major rock music magazines and radio shows.
Hello my friends in Japan, how are you? We just played our first live show of the year in Sheffield, England last week and we were very well received and sold lots of t-shirts and CDs.
I also found out yesterday that the new album is in the latest issue of BURRN! magazine (see photo gallery) which I am very excited about